
加拿大介绍英语 双语推荐 | 加拿大老师用英语搭起推介湖北的桥梁





In the 40 years of China’s reform and opening up, Hubei is opening its arms and mind to people from all corners of the world, attracting more and more foreigners to study and work here.

A series of reports focusing on Hubei's characteristics and development in the eyes of foreigners will be published. In this issue, let’s tap into the story of Jennifer.


Jennifer, 56, hails from Toronto, Canada. She has worked in Hubei for 12 years.


Jennifer gets a good reputation among the students, for she is young at heart. To quickly adapt to the environment in Hubei, she gave herself a Chinese name Zhang Nifeng(张妮凤).


In 2007, Jennifer was designated by an educational institution in Toronto to work on English teaching in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei Province.


“I have never heard of Wuhan before,” Jennifer said. “Wuhan enjoys vast areas. And it is convenient to travel in all directions,” she added.


In 2015, she toured to the Wudang Mountain together with friends. The breathtaking scenery blown her mind away, and arouse her interest in working over there.


Two years later, she was appointed to teach at No. 2 Middle School in Shiyan where the Wudang Mountain is located. “I was instantly happy, as soon as I knew the destination,” she introduced.


"The children are very cute and enthusiastic. We encountered lots of hilarious situations," Jennifer said with a smile.


The students once invited her to go outing. Jennifer asked about what to bring. “Snake!” A student blurted out. "What?" She couldn’t believe her ears. "I thought these children were crazy. Snakes are my biggest fear," she said.

第二天,她和学生碰头时问:“你的蛇带了吗?”那位学生指了指背包说:“就在里面。”张妮凤倒吸一口凉气,后退了几步。随后,当她看到学生从包里拿出薯片、饼干等零食时,才恍然大悟,“Snack (零食),it’s not snake (不是蛇) !”对湖北日报全媒记者说起这些,张妮凤哈哈大笑。

The next day Jennifer saw the students taking snacks such as potato chips and biscuits from bags, she suddenly realized that there was a slight misunderstanding. “Snack, it’s not snake,” she laughed out loud.


She was also treated to eat lobsters with her student. "How many lobsters will you treat me?" Jennifer asked. “Two pots,” the student answered, which shocked her that children here are big eaters.


But when she saw lobsters in the pots, she burst into laughter. "What we ate were baby lobsters (crayfishes)," she said.


Days here has brought her not only pleasure, but also warm and touching stories.


In 2018, two students from her class chose to study in Toronto. After returning to China this year, they immediately shared their lives and learning experiences with Jennifer. “I’m so moved that these children treat me as a family member,” she said.


The history and culture of Shiyan has aroused her great interest. "I have seen the relevant information in the Shiyan museum. I acquire a few knowledge of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project and dinosaur eggs fossils, "she introduced.


Jennifer often introduces Hubei to friends in Canada. "I hope to establish a bridge connecting Hubei to the world via English, so that more people can get close to Shiyan and Hubei at large," she said.

记者:张雅薇 王际凯



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