



You don’t have to search too hard to find a company flexing its green credentials.


There are startups like co-working company Upflex, which plants a tree for every booking it receives.


Then there are the industry behemoths. Recently, massive asset-management firm BlackRock announced its plan to shift away from investing in companies that contribute to the climate crisis.


A January report from McKinsey urges companies large and small to take immediate action.


“Much as thinking about information systems and cyber-risks has become integrated into corporate and public-sector decision making, climate change and its resulting risks will also need to feature as a major factor in decisions,” observed McKinsey Global Institute Director Jonathan Woetzel, in the report.

麦肯锡全球研究所所长乔纳森·沃策尔(Jonathan Woetzel)在报告中表示:“就像对信息系统和网络风险的思考已经融入到企业和公共部门的决策中,气候变化及其带来的风险也需要作为决策的一个主要因素。”

Sustainability is a business imperative, and a great place for employers to act on it is in their own workplaces.


Creating more sustainable workspaces, i.e.


greening the office itself, does carry some benefits beyond a positive climate impact.


First of all, energy-efficient workspaces are typically cheaper to operate, so there’s a potential for savings on utilities and maintenance.


They’re also more pleasant to work in, which can aid recruiting and retention efforts, especially among environmentally conscious young people.


Lastly, greener offices prove a company’s commitment to sustainability, which can be a powerful branding and marketing tool.


Related: How the ‘Change Generation’ Is Motivating Businesses to Commit to Sustainability


No matter what prompts you to approach the issue, it’s evident that tomorrow’s offices can and should have a much smaller environmental impact than they do now.


Fortunately, sustainability initiatives won’t force your employees to compromise on comfort or perks.


Here are some ideas every company can adopt.


Arrange for green days1.安排绿日A company’s carbon footprint includes its employees’s emissions from commuting.公司的碳足迹包括员工通勤排放。 The 2019 Urban Mobility Report found that the average U.S. commuter wastes 21 gallons of gas a year sitting in congested traffic.2019年城市移动报告发现,美国通勤者平均每年在拥堵的交通中浪费21加仑的汽油。 Indeed, the transportation sector is one of the largest contributors to climate change, accounting for 29 percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2017, according to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency.事实上,交通运输部门是气候变化的最大贡献者之一,根据美国环境保护署(U.S.Environmental Protection Agency)的数据,2017年美国温室气体排放量的29%来自运输部门。 Business travelers are a big part of that.商务旅行者是其中很重要的一部分。 Of course, there are often lower-carbon options than commuting and traveling for business, as remote work and teleconferencing are on the rise.当然,随着远程工作和电话会议的增加,经常有比通勤和出差更低碳的选择。Green days and similar initiatives aim to reduce the amount of time people spend traveling for work.绿色日和类似的计划旨在减少人们花在工作旅行上的时间。 Employees are allowed to work from home on green days, and the rest of the year, they’re encouraged (even incentivized) to use public transportation and set up interoffice meetings using videoconferencing.员工可以在绿色的日子在家工作,在一年中的其余时间,他们会被鼓励(甚至是激励)使用公共交通工具,并使用视频会议建立办公室间会议。 All told, there’s a clear business case for green days.总而言之,绿色日子有一个明确的商业案例。

Prioritize sustainability in all spaces2.优先考虑所有空间的可持续性Something as easy as adding more plants to the office (or even a show-stopping living wall) can improve air quality without emitting anything but oxygen.像在办公室里增加更多的植物(甚至是一堵停止展示的生活墙)一样简单的东西可以改善空气质量,而不会排放除氧气以外的任何东西。 A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that plants boost productivity, too.发表在“环境心理学杂志”上的一项研究发现,植物也能提高生产力。



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