

大家好今天来介绍《关于减肥方法的英语作文》关于减肥的英语作文的相关问题,小编就来给你解答一下,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,来看看吧一篇关于减肥的英语作文"Dear,look at me!I'm so fat!Oh,my god."nowerday,we always hear some boys and girls shout like that.Yeah,today,although childern,men and wonmen think it's a importent problem for themself.But in fact,it's so easy:first,you must keep sporting everyday.second,eat healthy food like vegetables,you can not eat too much meet if you really want to keep thin.The third,I afraid you'll can not believe,but it's really—you must sleep over 8 hours everyday,and you can't sleep to late. If you do these,then you'll be thin and healthy.Isn't it so easy?let's have a try,now!Believe me,please!以节食减肥为题的英语作文。Dear Lucy:Reducing weight, not equal to diet, weight is right, but should be appropriate, so I suggest you do more exercise, if you persist, so there is not only the diet will not thin, anorexia, on how awful! The teacher advised you "1. 2. 3) running swimming ate less (eat less not equal to not eat) 4 badminton... wait, because a lot of weight and dieting, but broke his body!Mr.wang高一英语作文关于减肥Hello, I'm Li Hua, I hear you because of dieting to lose weight while sick, I feel very sad and concerned.I give you some suggestions it, since to pay attention to their health.1, adhere to a healthy diet: eat more vegetables, fruits, because they are rich in vitamins and fiber; eat cheese, chocolate and other foods because they contain too much sugar and fat can make you fat.2, to develop good habits: regular exercise, to ensure adequate sleep, avoid over exertion and so on.3, maintain a happy mood and a healthy diet and exercise are equally important.



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