

1. 跑步之前吃点东西 EAT BEFORE


If you're heading out for an hour or more, you need some fuel at least 30 minutes before you run. carbohydrates provide energy, and protein and just a little fat help it last. Peanut butter settles well in your stomach, and since it is high in protein and fat, it provides lasting energy throughout long workouts. Other favorite boosts are honey on toast, oatmeal, bananas and peanut butter, fruit and nuts, granola, and energy bars.

2. 早上跑步喝点什么 SIP SOMETHING


If you're rolling out of bed, not starving, and only going for a few miles, you probably don't need anything more than a few sips of whatever gets you going. some people like to have several cups of coffee, since numerous studies have shown that caffeine boosts performance during exercise. a pre-run Red Bull, a can of coke will be also a good choice.

3. 随身带上一些小甜点 CARRY CANDY

如果你跑步的时间超过75分钟。就需要在跑步的过程中补充一些糖分。大多数人喜欢在跑步中吃上几粒软糖和巧克力豆,并喝一些水。建议你不妨带上一些糖果,像水果干、口香糖、甜钙片、果冻都可以提供一些糖分。 值得注意的是干水果及坚果仁都含有一些盐和糖分,它们是高热量食品,所以要尽量少吃一点。

You'll need to refuel on the run if you're going out for longer than 75 minutes. Like candy, GUs, Sport Beans, Shot Bloks, gels, and energy bars all provide easily accessible carbs. Dried fruits and raw nuts add salt and sugar and they're calorically dense, so I don't have to carry many。.



For runs less than 45 minutes, water is enough. Hour-long runs require replenishing with carbs as well as electrolytes, and sports drinks do the trick。lots of peoples drink half water and half Gatorade. you probably should sip small amounts every 15 minutes. It's important for your body to get used to it. To go hands-free, use a fuel belt, stash bottles along your route before your run, or map a course that goes by water fountains or convenience stores.

5. 跑完之后的营养 RUN TO THE FRIDGE


Post-exercise, aim to refuel within the "glycogen recovery window" of 30 to 60 minutes. It's when your body most needs the nutrients in order to repair muscle tissue and replace glycogen stores. lots of people try to eat immediately after they run, usually a good mix of protein and carbs. like a smoothie with banana, berry, honey, and soymilk. Eating properly makes you functional for the remainder of the day.

6. 巧克力的神奇功效 POUR CHOCOLATE


After a half-marathon or longer, most of people can't eat right away. or want to vomiting all the things in the stomach. A 2006 Indiana University study found that low-fat chocolate milk, with its optimal carbs to protein ratio, was just as effective as Gatorade at speeding recovery after exercise. And it doesn't have to be cold. Smoothies and protein shakes are good options, too.

7. 比赛前的食物 CARB UP

如果你明天就要参加马拉松或者其他跑步比赛,在比赛的前一天,任何你喜欢吃的复杂碳水化合物都是个好的选择。比如有人喜欢吃必胜客的比萨饼,那么就去吃吧,每个人的喜好都不同, 尽管蔬菜对身体十分有益,但是保持一份好心情对于取得好成绩也是非常关键的。

Any complex carbohydrates you enjoy are a good choice the night (or day) before a race, long run, or hard workout. if your favorite meal the night before a marathon is pizza. go ahead. Everyone have different taste, though vegetables are important for body, but keep a good mood before a marathon also is crucial.

8. 保持警惕 BE WARY


Meat, dairy, high-fat foods, and fiber too close to your effort may make you just run to the porta-potty. When you eat meat before run, it tries to make its way back up. For afternoon runs, you should avoid dairy, meat, and fiber, like apples, at lunchtime. Fiber found in whole wheat makes you have to go to the bathroom. Too much fatty food of any sort gives me gastric problems for the next few days.

9. 尝试一些不同的食物 BE BORING


Lots of peoples stick with what they know, and they do not try new food items before a workout or race. It's all about avoiding cramps while maintaining fuel and minerals. If you do try something new, just make sure it's healthy. Olympic marathoner Deena Kastor ate low-fat, high-carb Chinese food the night before winning the 2008 Olympic Marathon Trials in Boston. It was a bold decision he made, Because he never try Chinese food before, and in the end he won the game, and became a team member for the U.S in 2008 Beijing Olympic game.


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