

大家好今天来介绍《长跑的好处英语》长跑的好处和坏处英语的相关问题,小编就来给你解答一下,以下是小编对此问题的归纳整理,来看看吧跑步对健康有好处 英语Jogging is good for health.如果是健身的跑步,用jogging 比较合适。第2个回答 2007-12-22我只知道running does good for health这个翻译是错的第3个回答 2007-12-22running does good for health第4个回答 2007-12-22Running is good for health.本回答被提问者采纳跑步对你有好处 翻译英语running is good for you有关跑步的英语作文带汉语要求4分钟(跑步带给我们的好处及如何正确跑步)All take part in the fitness runners, often should pay attention to adhere to and step by step, special attention should be paid to control the amount of exercise. In addition, must learn to "self control", which is particularly important. Because sometimes the desire of the running will suddenly disappeared, it needs to be "can't run" or "don't want to run" distinction. , of course, if you don't run when sick, while in other cases should overcome the "inert", insist to take exercise.At the beginning of the exercise, running speed limit by no uncomfortable feeling, run the distance with no hard feelings advisable. Running after lower limb muscle pain may occur, this is a normal reaction, insist to take exercise this kind of phenomenon will disappear in a few days.To determine the level of their exercise level, to participate in the running for three to four months after some tests, test runs the distance in 12 minutes for calculating level starting point.30到39岁的年龄断, 12 minutes to run the distance of less than 1.5 to 1.8 kilometers, explain exercise level is poor; If can reach 1.8到2.6千米, specify exercise level is good; If more than 2.6 km, is good exercise.希望采纳!



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