
不是我的菜 英语俚语

网络流行语“你不是我的菜”,意思是“不是我喜欢的类型,非我所爱”,用英语表达时,可用上tea一词,即not my cup of tea。比如:You are not my cup of tea.你不是我的菜。The girl is cute, but she's not my cup of tea. 这女孩很可爱,但不是我喜欢的类型。

I love novels, while other books are not my cup of tea. 我爱看小说,其它类的书则不合我的口味。My boyfriend loves football, but it's not my cup of tea.我男朋友很喜欢足球运动,但我不喜欢。


wake up and smell the coffee不是“醒来闻闻咖啡”,而是“清醒,觉醒”的意思。比如:I'm your friend. I just want you to wake up and smell the coffee.我是你的朋友。我只是要你认清事实。

When we fail to see problems at work, our boss tells us to wake up and smell the coffee. We need to pay more attention and fix the problem.当我们在工作中没有发现问题时,老板叫我们清醒点。我们需要更专心来解决问题。

salt(盐)这个词也经常用在习语中,the salt of the earth不是“地球的盐”的意思,而是“高尚的人,社会中坚”的意思。比如:

People said he was the salt of the earth.人们说他是好人。I admit that Li Hua is not so capable. But she is the salt of the earth.我承认李华无能,可她是个没有坏心眼的人。

The taxi driver who saved the drowning boy from the river is the salt of the earth.那个救落水儿童的出租汽车司机是大家学习的榜样。

take it with a grain of salt则指“不全信;对……采取保留的态度”。比如:There are too many questions. Perhaps the report is correct, but take it with a grain of salt.疑问太多了,也许上面的报道有几分可信,但我们现在还是持点怀疑态度为好。

I'm not suggesting that you give up social media,just take it with a grain of salt.我不是建议你再也不用社交媒体,只是提醒你要有保留地看待它。

food for thought指“引人深思的事”。比如:What she has said affords much food for thought.她这话耐人寻味。Her speech offers much food for thought.她的演讲有许多发人深思的内容。

Some profound philosophical text also give room for thinking readers, makes one provide much food for thought.一些意味深长的哲理性文字也带给读者思考的余地,令人回味无穷。


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