


答There are a few possible reasons for this. One possibility is that the person may have a strong emotional attachment to the person they are speaking to. This attachment could be due to a close relationship, such as a romantic partner or family member, or it could be due to a deep connection or bond that has formed between the two individuals.Another possibility is that the person may be feeling vulnerable or in need of support, and they feel comfortable expressing their emotions to the person they are speaking to. They may trust that the person will be understanding and supportive, and therefore feel safe in opening up to them.Additionally, some people may simply be more naturally inclined to express their emotions openly. They may be more in touch with their feelings and find it easier to express them to others. This could be due to their personality or upbringing, or it could be a result of past experiences that have taught them the importance of emotional expression.Overall, there are many factors that can contribute to why someone may express their emotions more openly than others. It is important to remember that everyone is different and has their own unique way of expressing themselves.



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