













Gongbaojiding practice

Zhuliao: Ji Furou

Accessory: to clothing Yousu peanut, mixed oil, MSG, chili, pepper, salt

White soy sauce, red sauce, mirrin, sugar, vinegar, onions, garlic, ginger and Xian Tang (instead of water available, would like to point with delicious soup), water soybean meal

How: First, Ji Furou cut into 2 cm around the small, the code on the salt, white soy sauce

Red sauce, water soybean meal Dai Yong. Second, dry pepper, Congbaiqieduan Festival, ginger and garlic slices.

Third, mayonnaise sauce (that is owed to the Application List system, understand ?0?3) bowl-white soy sauce, sugar, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, Xiantang, water soybean meal. Fourth, good cookware system, the mixed-oil Shaozhi 60% of heat, Add to dry chili pepper and the bombing of the festival,

Add to immediately Jiding code of good taste, after speculation scattered Add to Jiangsuan films, onion festival, a few Add to speculation

Mirrin, mayonnaise and peanut sauce, or juice-oil Qiguo, ok completed.

Note: Jiding size of the best, chili pepper and not too fried Coke, so as to avoid loss of spicy characteristics.

Against the juice to mayonnaise-that this is because, when increases in peanut Qiguo, or after the Jiding Qiguo will be too dry.主菜(如:麻婆豆腐、宫保鸡丁)英文单词 甜品类英文单词 汤类英文单词


麻婆豆腐 :Mapo Tofu (Stir-Fried Tofu in Hot Sauce)

三鲜豆腐 :Sautéed Tofu with Three Delicacies

虾籽炒豆腐 :Stir-Fried Tofu with Shimp Roe

面筋百叶 :Fried Wheat Gluten Puff and Tofu Skin

百叶包肉 :Tofu Skin Rolls with Minced Pork

砂锅豆腐 :Stewed Tofu in Pottery Pot

菠菜豆腐 :Stewed Tofu with Spinach

鸡血豆腐 :Stewed Tofu with Chicken Blood Cakes

菜豆花 :Braised Tofu with Vegetables

虾圆玉子豆腐 :Steamed Tofu and Shrimps

宫保鸡丁 :Kung Pao Chicken

枸杞浓汁烩凤筋 :Stewed Chicken Tendon with Chinese Wolfberry

花旗参炖竹丝鸡 :Braised Chicken with Ginseng

鸡茸豆花 :Minced Chicken Soup

姜葱霸皇鸡 :Pan-Fried Chicken with Ginger and Scallion

金针云耳蒸鸡 :Steamed Chicken with Lily Flowers and Fungus

咖喱鸡 :Curry Chicken

可乐凤中翼 :Pan-Fried Chicken Wings in Coca-Cola Sauce

鸿运蒸凤爪 :Steamed Chicken Feet

客家盐焗鸡 :Salt Baked Chicken, Hakka Style

莲藕辣香鸡球 :Sautéed Spicy Chicken Balls with Lotus Roots

罗定豆豉鸡 :Braised Chicken in Black Bean Sauce

南乳碎炸鸡 :Fried Chicken Cubes with Preserved Tofu

啤酒鸡 :Stewed Chicken in Beer

飘香手撕鸡 :Poached Sliced Chicken

麒麟鸡 :Steamed Sliced Chicken with Mushrooms and Vegetables

荠菜鸡片 :Sautéed Sliced Chicken with Shepherd's Purse

芝麻牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Sesame

辣子牛肉 :Sautéed Beef in Hot Pepper Sauce

什锦扒牛肉 :Beef Tenderloin with Mixed Vegetables

红烧牛蹄筋 :Braised Beef Tendon in Brown Sauce

三彩牛肉丝 :Stir-Fried Shreded Beef with Vegetables

西兰花牛柳 :Stir-Fried Beef Filet with Broccoli

铁锅牛柳 :Braised Beef Filet in Iron Pot

白灵菇牛柳 :Stir-Fried Beef Filet with Mushrooms

芦笋牛柳 :Stir-Fried Beef Filet with Green As*paragus

豆豉牛柳 :Braised Beef Filet in Black Bean Sauce

红油牛头 :Ox Head with Hot Chili Oil

麻辣牛肚 :Spicy Ox Tripe

京葱山珍爆牛柳 :Braised Beef Filet with Scallion

阿香婆石头烤肉 :Beef BBQ with Spicy Sauce

菜远炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Greens

凉瓜炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Bitter Melon

干煸牛柳丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef

柠檬牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Lemon

榨菜牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Pickled Vegetable

蒙古牛肉 :Sautéed Mongolian Beef

椒盐牛仔骨 :Sautéed Calf Ribs with Spicy Salt

辣白菜炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Cabbage in Chili Sauce

荔枝炒牛肉 :Sautéed Beef with Litchi

野山椒牛肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Wild Pepper

尖椒香芹牛肉丝 :Sautéed Shredded Beef with Hot Pepper and Celery

堂煎贵族牛肉(制作方法:黑椒汁、香草汁) :Pan-Fried Superior Steak ( with black pepper sauce / vanilla sauce)

香煎纽西兰牛仔骨 :Pan-Fried New Zealand Calf Chop连骨肉

沾水牛肉 :Boiled Beef

牛肉炖土豆 :Braised Beef with Potatoes

清蛋牛肉 :Fried Beef with Scrambled Eggs

米粉牛肉 :Steamed Beef with Rice Flour

咖喱蒸牛肚 :Steamed Ox Tripe with Curry


莲蓉酥 :Lotus Seed Puff Pastry

水果酥 :Fresh Fruit Puff Pastry

蛋黄酥 :Egg-Yolk Puff

蛋黄莲茸酥 :Pastry Puff with Lotus Seed Paste and Egg Yolk

蛋挞 :Egg Tart

甜品及其他西点 Cakes,Cookies and Other Desserts

2121. 黑森林蛋糕 Black Forest Cake

2122. 英式水果蛋糕 English Fruit Cake

2123. 乳酪蛋糕 Cheese Cake

2124. 草莓奶酪蛋糕 Strawberry Cheese Cake

2125. 草莓蛋糕 Strawberry Cake

2126. 蓝莓奶酪蛋糕 Blueberry Cheese Cake

2127. 美式奶酪蛋糕 American Cheese Cake

2128. 绿茶奶酪蛋糕 Green Tea Cheese Cake

2129. 意大利提拉米苏 Italian Tiramisu

2130. 大理石奶酪蛋糕 Marble Cheese Cake

2131. 咖啡奶酪蛋糕 Coffee Cheese Cake

2132. 天使蛋糕 Angel Food Cake

2133. 红莓松糕 Cranberry Muffin

2134. 干果派 Assorted Nuts Pie

2135. 奶油泡芙 Cream Puff

2136. 奶油角 Cream Horn

2137. 蓝莓松糕 Blueberry Muffin

2138. 琳泽蛋糕 Linzer Cake

2139. 芒果木司蛋糕 Mango Mousse Cake

2140. 黄油蛋糕 Butter Cake

2141. 柠檬卷蛋糕 Lemon Roll

2142. 栗子蛋糕 Chestnut Cake

2143. 巧克力软糖蛋糕 Truffle Chocolate Cake

2144. 乳酪蛋糕 Cheese Cake

2145. 清蛋糕 Non-Fat Cake

2146. 裱花蛋糕 Decorative Cake

2147. 大块蛋糕 Sheet Cake

2148. 海绵蛋糕 Sponge Cake

2149. 戚风蛋糕 Chiffon Cake

2150. 纸杯蛋糕 Cup Cake

2151. 苹果派 Apple Pie

2152. 草莓酥条 Strawberry Napoleon

2153. 巧克力榛子蛋糕 Chocolate Hazelnut Cake

2154. 拿破仑蛋糕 Napoleon Cake

2155. 巧克力木司 Chocolate Mousse

2156. 水果脆皮酥盒 Puff Pastry with Fruits

2157. 维也纳巧克力蛋糕 Sacher Cake

2158. 瑞士蛋卷 Swiss Roll

2159. 热情果木司 Passion Fruit Mousse

2160. 杏仁多纳圈 Almond Donuts

2161. 牛奶巧克力多纳圈 Milk Chocolate Donuts

2162. 鲜水果配沙巴洋 Fruit with Sabayon

2163. 水果蛋挞 Fresh Fruit Tart

2164. 法式苹果塔 French Apple Tart

2165. 椰丝塔 Coconut Tart

2166. 英式松饼 Scone

2167. 泡夫条/爱克力 éclair

2168. 白巧克力奶油布丁 White Chocolate Brulee

2169. 绿茶布丁 Green Tea Pudding

2170. 芒果布丁 Mango Pudding

2171. 热枣布丁 Warm Sticky Date Pudding

2172. 香草布丁 Vanilla Pudding

2173. 焦糖布丁 Cream Caramel / Caramel Custard

2174. 果仁布朗尼 Walnut Brownies

2175. 咖啡剧本蛋糕 Opera Cake

2176. 蛋白杏仁甜饼 Macaroon

2177. 手指饼 Lady Finger

2178. 薄脆饼 Wafer

2179. 巧克力薄脆饼 Chocolate Wafer

2180. 蝴蝶酥 Butterfly Cookies

2181. 薄脆姜饼 Gingersnap

2182. 小姜饼 Gingernut

2183. 薄饼 Griddle Cake

2184. 德比饼干 Derby Biscuit

2185. 核桃黄油饼 Walnut Butter Sponge

2186. 曲奇饼 Cookies

2187. 巧克力曲奇 Chocolate Cookies

2188. 千层酥 Puff Pastry

2189. 苹果酪 Apple Cream

2190. 苹果卷 Apple Strudel

2191. 苹果冻糕 Apple Fool

2192. 蛋奶冻 Custard

2193. 爆米花(甜/咸) Popcorn(Sweet/Salty)


八宝海茸羹 :Seaweed Soup of Eight Delicacies

煲参翅肚羹 :Abalone and Shark's Fin with Fish Maw Soup

凤凰玉米羹 :Sweet Corn Soup with Egg

桂花雪鱼羮 :Codfish Soup with Osmanthus Sauce

鸡茸粟米羮 :Minced Chicken and Corn Soup

九王瑶柱羹 :Scallop Soup

浓汤鱼肚羮 :Fish Maw Soup

太极素菜羹 :Thick Vegetable Soup

西湖牛肉豆腐羹 :Minced Beef and Tofu Soup

蟹肉粟米羹 :Sweet Corn Soup with Crab Meat

雪蛤海皇羹 :Snow Clam and Scallop Soup

鱼肚粟米羹 :Fish Maw in Sweet Corn Soup

竹笙海皇羹 :Bamboo Fungus and Seafood Soup

酸辣鱿鱼羹 :Hot and Sour Squid Soup

台湾肉羹 :Shredded Pork and Squid Soup, Taiwan Style

干贝芥菜鸡锅 :Chicken Soup with Scallops and Chinese Broccoli

海鲜盅 :Seafood Bowl with Assorted Ingredients

蟹肉烩竹笙 :Crab Meat in Bamboo Fungus Soup

浓汁三鲜 :Three Delicacies Soup

贝松鱼肚羹 :Minced Scallop with Fish Maw Soup

浓汁木瓜鱼肚 :Fish Maw and Diced Papaya Soup

灵芝金银鸭血羹 :Duck Blood, Mushrooms and Tofu Soup

莲子鸭羹 :Duck and Louts Seed Soup

龙凤羹 :Minced Chicken with Fish Soup

蟹肉豆腐羹 :Tofu and Crab Meat Soup

虫草鸭块汤 :Duck with Aweto Soup

大葱土豆汤 :Potato and Leek Soup

冬瑶花胶炖石蛙 :Stewed Frog with Scallop and Fish Maw in Soup

豆苗枸杞竹笋汤 :Pea Sprouts and Bamboo Shoot Soup with Chinese Wolfberry

番茄蛋花汤 :Tomato and Egg Soup

凤尾虾丝汤 :Phoenix-Tailed Prawns and Seaweed Soup

极品山珍汤 :Wild Mushroom Soup

家常蛋汤 :Egg Soup

老火炖汤/每日例汤 :Soup of the Day

龙虾浓汤 :Lobster Soup

绿色野菌汤 :Mushroom Soup

萝卜煲排骨汤 :Pork Ribs and Turnip Soup

萝卜丝鲫鱼 :Crucian Carp Soup with Shredded Turnips

美味多菌汤 :Chef's Special Mushroom Soup

浓汤鱼片汤 :Fish Filets Soup

山菌时蔬钵 :Consommé of Mushrooms and Vegetables

山珍菌皇汤 :Fungus and Mushroom Soup

上海酸辣汤 :Hot and Sour Soup, Shanghai Style

蔬菜海鲜汤 :Seafood and Vegetable Soup

酸辣海参乌鱼蛋汤 :Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup with Sea Cucumber

酸辣汤 :Hot and Sour Soup

酸辣乌鱼蛋汤 :Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup

乌鱼蛋汤 :Cuttlefish Roe Soup

酸菜肚丝汤 :Pickled Cabbage and Pork Tripe Soup

鲜菌鱼头汤 :Fish Head Soup with Fresh Mushrooms

香茜鱼片汤 :Fish Filet and Coriander Soup

雪菜大汤黄鱼 :Stewed Yellow Croaker with Bamboo Shoots and Potherb Mustard

亚式浓香鸡汤 :Rich Asian Chicken Broth(with Shitake and Enoki Mushrooms and Chinese Wolfberry)

玉米鸡浓汤 :Sweet Corn and Chicken Soup

豆腐菜汤 :Tofu with Vegetable Soup

素菜汤 :Vegetable Soup

本楼汤 :House Special Soup

海鲜酸辣汤 :Hot and Sour Seafood Soup

油豆腐粉丝汤 :Tofu Puff with Vermicelli Soup

榨菜肉丝汤 :Shredded Pork with Pickled Vegetable Soup

芋头排骨汤 :Spare Ribs with Taro Soup

枸杞炖蛤 :Clam Soup Simmered with Chinese Wolfberry

菠萝凉瓜炖鸡汤 :Chicken Soup Simmered with Bitter Melon and Pineapple

盐菜肚片汤 :Pork Tripe Slices and Pickled Vegetable Soup

咸冬瓜蛤蛎汤 :Clam Soup with White Gourd

清汤四宝 :Four Delicacies Soup

清汤三鲜 :Three Delicacies Soup

醋椒三片汤 :Three Delicacies Soup with Vinegar and Pepper

龙凤汤 :Chicken and Crusian Carp Soup

茄汁鸭块汤 :Duck Soup with Tomato Sauce

烩鸭舌乌鱼蛋汤 :Duck Tongue and Cuttlefish Roe Soup

鸭茸奶油蘑菇汤 :Minced Duck Meat Soup with Mushrooms and Butter

白菜豆腐汤 :Chinese Cabbage and Tofu Soup

竹荪炖菜汤 :Bamboo Fungus Soup

黑豆煲鱼头汤 :Fish Head Soup with Black Beans

粟米鱼羹 :Corn and Fish Soup

菜花虾羹 :Shrimp and Broccoli Soup

老酒菌汤 :Mushroom and Aged Rice Wine Soup

清汤鸭四宝 :Soup of Four–Delicacies of Duck

蟹黄鱼翅羹 :Stewed Shark's Fin with Crab Roe

玉带芦笋汤 :Scallop and Asparagus Soup

竹荪银耳汤 :Bamboo Fungus and White Fungus Soup

清汤鸭舌羊肚菌 :Duck Tongue and Morel Soup

干贝银丝羹 :Dried Scallop and Tofu Soup

蟹黄珍珠羹 :Crab Roe and Crab Meat Balls Soup

苦瓜蛋清羹 :Bitter Melon and Egg White Soup

罗宋汤/苏伯汤 :Russian Soup

鸭架汤 :Roast Duck Bone Soup

紫菜蛋花汤 :Seaweed and Egg Soup

西红柿鸡蛋汤 :Tomato and Egg Soup

豆腐海带汤 :Tofu and Kelp Soup

















宫爆鸡丁 鱼香肉丝 凉拌三丝 麻婆豆腐 谁能说出这几道菜的英文名称奖励100分。谢谢捧场

麻婆豆腐:spicy hot bean-curd

宫保鸡丁:the chicken of Gongbao

鱼香肉丝:fried sliced pork meat with spicy sauce

凉拌三丝:meat and vegetables salad



宫保鸡丁的英文:spicy diced chicken

chicken 读法 英 [?t?k?n] 美 [?t?k?n]?





1、chicken feed

为数甚微的款项; 小额钱币 paltry amount 〔sum〕

2、count one's chickens (before they are hatched)

过于乐观 count on the outcome of sth before it has happened



chicken可以指作为家禽的鸡,也可指作为食品的鸡肉。作“小鸡”解时是个体名词,可数; 作“鸡肉”解时则是物质名词,不可数。


1、cook chicken烹鸡,煮鸡

2、count one's chickens数鸡

3、dress a chicken把鸡开膛洗净

4、eat a chicken吃鸡

5、feed chickens喂鸡


Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork鱼香肉丝


150 g Pork, shredded

150克 肉丝

30 g Black fungus, soaked

30克 水发黑木耳

20 g Bell pepper, shredded

20克 青椒丝

30 g Carrot, shredded

30克 胡萝卜丝

2 tbsp Salad oil

2大勺 沙拉油

1 stalk Green onion, shredded

1支 青葱,切丝

2 cloves Garlic

2瓣 蒜

10 g Pickled chilli

10克 泡椒

10 g Ginger

10克 姜



1/4 tsp Chicken powder

1/4小勺 鸡精

1/2 tsp Cornstarch

1/2小勺 玉米淀粉

1/3 tsp Salad oil

1/3小勺 沙拉油



1 tsp Salt

1小勺 食盐

1/2 tsp Chicken powder

1/2小勺 鸡精

1 tsp Sugar

1小勺 白砂糖

1 tsp Vinegar

1小勺 陈醋

1 tsp Light soya sauce

1小勺 生抽

1 tbsp Starchy solution

1大勺 水淀粉


1.Mix the pork shreds with the marinade and let stand for about 15 minutes. Mix the sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set



2.Soak the black fungus and shred thinly. Finely chop ginger, onion and pickled chilli.


3.Heat up a skillet with oil, adding pork. Stir until almost cooked. Add in chopped ginger, onion and pickled chilli until fragrant. Add in black fungus, bell pepper and carrots. Pour in the prepared sauce. Stir until well-combined and dish off.



Do you know how to make fried eggs with tomatoes?

First,you should get three tomatoes and two eggs.Then break the eggs open and cut the tomatoes into small pieces.Third,mix the eggs and tomatoes together,add some salt and pepper and put them into the pan to cook.A few mimutes later,the dilicious dish is ready!

Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁)




2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 7 to 8 ounces each


2 teaspoons soy sauce

2 teaspoons Chinese rice wine or dry sherry

1 teaspoon sesame oil

1 1/2 teaspoons cornstarch


2 tablespoons dark soy sauce

1 tablespoon Chinese rice wine or dry sherry

1 teaspoon sugar


8 small dried red chili peppers

2 cloves garlic

2 green onions (spring onions, scallions)

4 tablespoons oil for stir-frying, or as needed

1 teaspoon Szechuan peppercorn, optional

1/2 cup peanuts or cashews

a few drops sesame oil, optional


Cut the chicken into 1-inch cubes. Combine with the marinade ingredients, adding the cornstarch last. Marinate the chicken for 25 minutes.

While the chicken is marinating, prepare the sauce and vegetables: In a small bowl, combine the dark soy sauce, rice wine, and sugar.

Set aside.

Cut the chilies in half so that they are approximately the same size as the chicken cubes. Remove the seeds. Peel and finely chop the garlic. Cut the green onion on the diagonal into thirds.

Heat the wok over medium-high to high heat. Add 2 tablespoons oil. When the oil is hot, add the chicken. Stir-fry until it turns white and is 80 percent cooked. Remove from the wok.

Add 2 tablespoons oil. When the oil is hot, add the garlic and stir-fry until aromatic (about 30 seconds). Add the chili peppers and the Szechuan peppercorn if using. Stir-fry briefly until they turn dark red.

Add the sauce to the wok. Bring to a boil. Add the chicken back into the pan. Stir in the peanuts and the green onion. Remove from the heat and stir in the sesame oil. Serve hot.

Then use you mouth to eat it.


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