



答1. Cut the tomatoes into decent slices.

2. Crack two eggs into a bowl and beat with an egg beater until egg yolk is fully mixed with the egg whites.

3. Heat a pan on the stove for about one minute.

4. Add about two tea spoons of cooking oil and wait for the oil to heat up.

5. Pour the tomatoes into the pan, fry it briefly.

6. Add a tea spoon of sugar before removing the tomatoes from the pan.

7. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and fry until eggs turn solid.

8. Pour the tomatoes in again and stir them together.

9. Add flavouring.

10. Take eggs and tomatoes out when they look well cooked.

Fried egg

The use of materials:an egg,a little soy sauce

Practice:Break the egg and put into a bowl,and then heat the pan.Add oil to lay down the egg frying,it can be half-cooked,or cooked whole,or on both sides golden.Add some soy sauce in the egg or can sprinkle pepper,salt while fry it.




My family 我的家人英语作文

There are 5 members in my family, my father,mother,elder brother, elder sister and me.My brother and sister were married,my brother has a 4 years old daughter.

We moved to Shanghai when i was 3 years old, my parents are running business in a company until now. My father is a little bit childish, he feel that nothing is important than children happy, so he always satisfy to what we want since we were small. my mother take much care to this family, i used to feel than my mother is annoying, but now i understand what my mom did was for our own good.

My brother is cuteand very tolerate, my sister is a strong-determination women, we fought everyday when we were small, but our relationship is close.

I feel happy to have such family.

我最喜欢吃的食物-饺子(My Favorite Food -JiaoZi)

In the spring festival we often eat JIAOZI . It is made from pie of meat,different vegetables that covers the whole pie.

Chinese like JIAOZI not only because of its delicious taste but also because of its meaning of families get together during Spring Festival.

I like to eat JIAOZI very much!

运动——My Favorite Sport

Many people like to swim in summer. So do I. My favorite sport is swimming. Just imagine! What fun it is to jump into the water in hot summer! In hot weather, I often go to swim in the swimming pool with my family. Swimming can not only make us strong and healthy, but also helps us to keep in good shape. But few people like to swim in winter because it is too cold.Swimming in winter needs much courage. I hope one day I can be strong enough to swim in winter.

用英语介绍一道菜的制作过程 作文 - : 1. Cut the tomatoes into decent slices.2. Crack two eggs into a bowl and beat with an egg beater until egg yolk is fully mixed with the egg whites.3. Heat a pan on the stove for about one minute.4. Add about two tea spoons of cooking oil and wait for .

用英语介绍一道菜的制作过程 - : Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough. Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough arou.

用英语介绍一道菜的制作过程最好是中菜 - :[答案] Pork and Vegetable Dumplings Mix some pork,leafy vegetables and salt.Then make small circles of dough.Put the meat,leafy vegetable and salt on the dough.Close the dough around the meat.Put the dumplin.

英语翻译介绍一道菜的制作过程:葱花炒蛋,用英语来描述. - :[答案] Introduced a recipe:chopped green onion scrambled eggs

用英文介绍一道菜的做法(一两百字) - : "写一封邮件为你的朋友介绍一道菜的做法".(这是我自己写的,可能会有一点语法错误)dearlily,youknowthati'mgoodatcooking,soi'llshowyouarecipeforyourdinnerparty.atfirst,youshouldcleansomemeat,thencutitintoslices.secondly,.

用英语描述做一道菜的过程 - : 用英语描述一道菜的做法的时候可以参考如下步骤:1. 列举本次需要使用的食材(油盐酱醋等)一般需要附上重量或者数量等具体描述;(make a list for all the ingredients used in the dish such as oil, salt, and the amount used)2. 列举本次需要的.

25句英文介绍一个菜的做法 - : Shui Zhuyu the procedure 水煮鱼的做法 1, kills the fish the cleaning, chops from beginning to end, the pie.

用英语介绍一道菜的做法,中文翻译,初三左右水平 - : fried egg the use of materials: an egg, a little soy sauce practice: break the egg and put into a bowl, and then heat the pan. add oil to lay down the egg frying, it can be half-cooked, or cooked whole, or on both sides golden. add some soy sauce in the.

求用英语简述一道中国传统菜肴的制作过程 - : 炸酱面的制作方法:Cooking method: 1. The frying pan burns heat , oil fever of having a temperature till eighty per cent , puts in onion powder , blows up out scen.

一个菜的英文介绍做法 - : 给你一个大众菜,英文摘自:,中文是我翻译的,希望对你有帮助.照片你可以输入本菜名检索,有很多照片.Shredded Pork with Green Peppers 青椒肉丝 Ingredients: 原料:300 grams (0












1. 煮西米,一定要水多,而且要先把水烧开,再放西米进锅,一边烧一边搅拌,防治粘起来,烧五分钟后闷十兄颂五分钟,西米看起来心白外透,然后撩起用冷水将粘稠的洗掉,冷却。

2. 再煮西米,水烧开后把冷却的西米放进去,如果前面洗得好就不会粘锅了,烧五分钟后要闷最少20分钟,耐心很重要,西米通过闷才会白心变透明。

3. 将西米、椰汁和西瓜放器皿内,完工,也可以冰箱冰镇以后吃颂没。




1. 锅中加水,煮开后,下入西米,煮20分钟左右。

2. 一边煮,一边搅拌。20分钟后,关火,盖上盖子焖5分钟。3. 紫野尘纳薯去皮切丁,入蒸锅蒸熟。

4. 西米呈透明状,中间有小白点,捞起,在冷水下冲一冲。

5. 另起一锅开水,将西米继续煮10分钟左右,至完全透明。

6. 煮好的西米在流动的水下冲一冲,沥水分。

7. 锅洗净,倒入椰浆和纯牛奶,混合均匀,加热。

8. 加入煮好的西米,紫薯丁,煮2-3分钟即可。

9. 待微温时调入蜂蜜拌匀即可。



1.Oneofthese premodernattachment-dis-couragingpracticeswastoleaveinfantsunnameduntilthey hadsurvivedintothesecondyear.


2.Finally,fromtheprincipleofgood faith,thebankdoesnotaccordwithsomeof therightsandobligationsof theprincipleofreciprocity.


3.It's timetostopspendingbillionsofdollarsaweekon ablankcheckfor anIraqigovernmentthatwon'tspenditsownoilrevenues.


4.Soitmaybeperfectlysensibleto take up after-dinnerspeakingandonlybeadequateat it,ifthat'swhatyouwanttodo.


5.AsIreadthisitoccurredtomethatI'djustlentsupportto thethesisbyunconsciouslycopyingtheotherpassengersin thecarriage.


6.It'sa non-trivialerrortocallit a'referencecase,液液'asthe IEA hasdone.


let me make a vegetable salad.怎么做

答let me make a vegetable salad.



vegetable salad

英[ˈvedʒitəbl ˈsæləd] 美[ˈvɛdʒtəbəl ˈsæləd]

[词典] 蔬菜色拉;

[例句]I think I will have the spaghetti and a vegetable salad.












Mushroom Pork 香菇炒肉

Technology: fried 工艺:炒

Mushroom Pork production of materials: 香菇炒肉的制作材料: Ingredients: 主料: Pork (lean) 200 grams of mushrooms (fresh) 200 g 猪肉(瘦)200克,香菇(鲜)200克 Seasoning: lard (refining) 75 grams, 3 grams of salt, cooking wine 10 grams, 15 grams of green onions, starch (corn) 10 grams of MSG 3 grams, 8 grams of ginger, pepper powder, 1 gram, 1 gram of pepper 调料:猪油(炼制)75克,盐3克,料酒10克,大葱15克,淀粉(玉米)10克,味精3克,姜8克,花椒粉1克,胡椒粉1克

Practices: 做法:

meat and mushroom slices, respectively; 1. 肉和香菇分别切片; 2. meat, salt, cooking wine and mix well on the wet starch slurry; 2. 肉用盐、料酒拌匀,浆上湿淀粉; 3. with cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, onion, ginger, soup, pepper noodles, black pepper, wet starch into juice; 3. 用料酒、味精、葱、姜、汤、花椒面、胡椒面、湿淀粉对成汁; 4. wok hot grease, oil heat under the meat after, while promoting the bottom with a spoon until the pork spread; 4. 炒锅烧热注油,油热后即下肉片,边下边用勺推派弊动,待肉丝散开; 5. to be shed taste, add mushrooms and fry a few times, then pour on the good juice, to be turned even when blistering serve. 5. 待散出味后加香菇炒几下,再倒入对好的汁,待起泡时翻匀即成。


西红柿炒鸡尘没族蛋英文菜谱: You’ll need four eggs three tomatoes one onion a little oil salt and pepper first slice the onion and tomatoes next in a frying pan fry the sliced onions and oil until it turns light brown then add the tomatoes after frying the tomatoes and onions for about tow minutes add some salt an pepper break four eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork for one or tow minutes heat a few table spoons falls of oil in the frying pan and tomato mixture finally for the on let you have and serve it on the plate 你需要准备4只鸡蛋,3个西红柿,1头洋葱,少许油、盐和胡椒粉察胡。首先切好洋葱和西红柿,接下来用煎锅将洋葱煎成深褐色,然后加入西红柿,和洋葱一起煎大约2分钟,加入少许盐和胡椒粉调味(备用)。将4只鸡蛋打入碗中,用叉子搅拌1、2分钟。在煎锅中加几匙油烧热,倒入蛋糊和(煎过的)西红柿混合(煎熟),最后盛入盘中(即可)。



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