


答The term "gender" refers to the social and cultural roles, behaviors, and expectations that society assigns to individuals based on their sex. It is distinct from biological sex, which refers to the physical and genetic characteristics that categorize individuals as male or female. Gender is a complex and multifaceted concept that can vary across different cultures and societies.Gender identity refers to an individual's deeply-held sense of their own gender. It is their internal understanding and experience of being male, female, or something else. Gender identity may or may not align with the sex assigned to them at birth. For example, a person who is assigned female at birth but identifies as male has a gender identity that is different from their biological sex.Gender expression refers to the way individuals present their gender to others through their appearance, behavior, and mannerisms. It includes aspects such as clothing, hairstyles, body language, and voice.Gender roles are the societal expectations and norms associated with a particular gender. They define the appropriate behaviors, roles, and responsibilities that are expected of individuals based on their gender. For example, in many cultures, women are expected to be nurturing and caring, while men are expected to be strong and assertive.It is important to note that gender is a social construct and can vary across different societies and cultures. It is not fixed or inherent, but rather influenced by social, cultural, and historical factors. Additionally, gender is not binary and can encompass a wide range of identities, including non-binary, genderqueer, and genderfluid.



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