


No matter who you are, in that corner of the world, I hope people and things as sweet as sugar fried chestnuts can collide with you.


When your eyes fall on me, I wish I could be better and better. I want to be a luminous being, and I want you to be proud of me one day.


Put a sugar under the pillow and have a sweet dream. Good night.







There is a little white rabbit and a little grey rabbit in the big forest. The little white rabbit said, "tell me a sweet bedtime story. Other little animals have bedtime stories!"

The little grey rabbit felt very sad. In fact, he didn't know what the bedtime story was, but he didn't want to let the little white rabbit down. So he tried hard to find the sweetest thing.

The little grey rabbit brought back the biggest carrot in the forest: "is that it? It's very sweet." The little white rabbit shook her head.

The little grey rabbit came back with the clearest spring water in the forest. "Is that it? It's super sweet." The little white rabbit shook her head again.

Little grey rabbit felt a little sad that he didn't do it well.

The little white rabbit suddenly blushed and hugged the little grey rabbit. In the long left ear of little grey rabbit, she said softly, "there is nothing sweeter than you in the world. Every word I say with you is the sweetest bedtime story I have ever heard."


I like to look at the fine lines around my mother's mouth and eyes. I know she hates them, but these fine lines make me feel comfortable. I read the traces of our mutual dependence from her face.


A friend is one who can take off the clothes of an adult, be a child in the eyes of the other, and grow up with each other.



In the cinema, the mobile phone will be put aside, watching TV variety shows never choose to play faster. In this meteor like order, I would like to keep a little bit of rhythm, compared with other snail like rhythm. I like the small world that I leave for myself to breathe when the other side is separated from the outside world.

I always feel that I have to slow down to enjoy life. Otherwise, all I hear is the hurried walking around, and the whispering of flowers and plants around the corner disappears in my ear.


When you eat, do you like to sit opposite or next to your boyfriend? I prefer them to sit around me.


Life is never just for one person. Everyone has experienced a very hard time. We should learn to decompress ourselves.



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