


答There are several potential reasons for this. One possibility is that the person enjoys the feeling of power and control that comes with being mean to others. They may derive pleasure from causing others pain or discomfort.Another possibility is that the person is insecure and feels the need to put others down in order to make themselves feel better. By belittling others, they may be trying to elevate their own self-esteem.Additionally, some people may have learned from past experiences that being mean or aggressive is an effective way to get what they want. They may have found that being nice and cooperative doesn't always get them what they want, so they resort to being mean as a way to manipulate others into doing what they want.Lastly, some individuals may simply lack empathy and have a difficult time understanding or caring about the feelings of others. They may not realize the impact their words and actions have on others, or they may not care about the consequences.Overall, there can be a variety of reasons why someone is mean to others, and it often depends on the individual and their unique circumstances.



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