
NVIDIA基于Code Llama发布在线版本Llama,人人可以免费使用

Code Llama是Meta发布的基于Llama-2,针对代码生成的NLP大语言模型。Code Llama 是Llama 2的代码专用版本,是通过在其特定代码数据集上进一步训练 Llama 2 来创建的

本质上,Code Llama 具有增强的编码功能,建立在 Llama 2 之上。它可以根据代码和自然语言提示生成代码和有关代码的自然语言(例如,“给我写一个输出斐波那契序列的函数。”)它还可用于代码完成和调试。它支持当今使用的许多最流行的语言,包括 Python、C++、Java、PHP、Typescript (Javascript)、C39;s an example of how you can implement the bubble sort algorithm in Python: def bubble_sort(arr): n = len(arr) for i in range(n-1): for j in range(0, n-i-1): if arr[j] > arr[j+1]: arr[j], arr[j+1] = arr[j+1], arr[j] return arr This function takes an array as input and returns the sorted array. The algorithm works by iterating through the array and comparing adjacent elements. If an element is greater than the next element, they are swapped. This process is repeated until the array is sorted. Here&体验地址 https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/playground/models/codellama #参考链接 https://ai.meta.com/blog/code-llama-large-language-model-coding/


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