



The guideline identifies and specifies several illegal acts, such as deliberately crashing a car to claim compensation, and their corresponding punishments.指导意见针对“碰瓷”手法多样的情况,进一步明确案件的定性和处罚。


这里用deliberately crashing a car to claim compensation来表示“碰瓷”,其实是用了解释说明的办法,即“故意撞车以索要赔偿”,更简洁的表达可以是“staged crash fraud”或“staged (auto) accident fraud”。我们都知道stage作为名词有“舞台”的意思,用作动词的时候stage也可以表示“(为了吸引公众注意而)安排、组织(某件事)”,所以,staged crash/accident都是“刻意制造出来的车祸(意外)”,而最后的fraud正是组织这件事的目的。


Acts of fabricating facts, concealing truths and swindling compensation, that meet the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, shall be convicted and punished as the crime of fraud, according to the guideline.虚构事实、隐瞒真相,骗取赔偿,符合刑法有关规定的,以诈骗罪定罪处罚。

Malicious behavior, including fabricating facts about the infringement of personal or property rights and interests as well as bringing a civil lawsuit on the grounds of a fake civil dispute, shall be punished as the offense of false charges if meeting the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, it adds.


The guideline also stipulates that whoever deliberately causes a traffic accident and blackmails the victim utilizing the victim's violation of provisions on road passage, which meets the relating provisions of the Criminal Law, shall be punished as the crime of extortion by blackmail.




A relatively stable criminal organization formed by three or more persons for committing such blackmail-related crimes jointly should be considered as a criminal group, it said, noting that those in conformity with the identification standard of gang crimes should be investigated, prosecuted and tried accordingly.



扫黑除恶 battles against gang crimes

平安中国 Peaceful China initiative

第三方责任险 third party liability insurance

交通事故责任强制保险 mandatory liability insurance for traffic accidents of motor vehicles

保险诈骗 insurance fraud

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)



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