



本文最佳回答用户:【浅色夏沫】 ,现在由窝牛号小编为你解答与【newbora是大众什么车】的相关内容!




上文就是窝牛号小编解疑贡献者:(浅色夏沫)回答的关于“大众后标志下有NEWNBORA是那款车”的问题了,不知是否已经解决你的问题?如果没有,下一篇内容可能是你想要的答案,现在接着继续剖析下文用户【风云再起】解答的“一汽-大众(Faw Volkswagen)New Bora新宝来广告的英文歌曲叫做什么?”的一些相关疑点做出分析与解答,如果能找到你的答案,可以关注本站。

问题二:一汽-大众(Faw Volkswagen)New Bora新宝来广告的英文歌曲叫做什么?

贡献用户名:【风云再起】 ,现在由窝牛号小编为你解答与【newbora是大众什么车】的相关内容!


是DJ Shah的who will find me



DJ Shah -

In a world of desire,

oh who would come and catch you when you fall

in the wind and the fire

oh who would come to save you

High above any danger

Locked inside the tower of your mind,

dreams are veiled; passion blinded.

Safe from fear and fire.

Oh who will find me

In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise.

Fly far beyond these silver winter skies.

I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away.

Do you see the horizon

Walk upon the water, you will find

all is still and yet alive

in the morning light.

Oh who will find me

In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise.

Fly far beyond these silver winter skies.

I see a beautiful life. Oh, come and get away.

Dance dance in the morning light.

Open your darkened eyes.

Hey, hey, it's a beautiful day.

It'll be ok. It'll be ok.

Take a look, spin around, this is where I find you

where the roses bloom.

Leave your cares, leave your fears, leave them all behind you yeayah.

It's a beautiful day in the city of shining light.

It's a beautiful day. This is where I find you

yeah yeah

Oh who will find me

In your midnight eyes, I see a summer sunrise.

Come and get away.

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