
航海家 航海家英文


本文目录包含多个相关词条,可直接点击跳转详细解答!1、詹姆斯·库克(James Cook)英国的探险家、航海家和制图学家的英文简介,2、麦哲伦英文简介3、求英语翻译. ①郑和是中国历史上最著名的航海家(maritime explorer)。②公元14、航海家英文詹姆斯·库克(James Cook)英国的探险家、航海家和制图学家的英文简介,

答Captain James Cook FRS RN (27 October 1728 (O.S.) – 14 February 1779) was a British explorer,navigator and cartographer.Ultimately rising to the rank of Captain in the Royal Navy,Cook made three voya.


答Ferdinand Magellan (real name Ferdinand Magellan, Fern o de Magalh: Portuguese ---- ---- es Fernando de Magallanes; Spanish, spring of 1480 - April 27, 1521), navigators, explorers, colonists, Portuguese and Spanish government for exploration. 1519 - 1521 led a fleet to complete circumnavigate the globe, Magellan died in Philippines on the way in global tribal conflicts. The crew of the ship continued to sail west after his death, returned to Europe and completed the first human voyage around the world.

斐迪南·麦哲伦(全名费迪南德·麦哲伦,葡萄牙语:Fernão de Magalhães ;西班牙语Fernando de Magallanes,1480年春天—1521年4月27日),探险家、航海家、殖民者,葡萄牙人,为西班牙政府效力探险。1519年—1521年率领船队完成环航地球,麦哲伦在环球途中在菲律宾死于部落冲突中。船上的水手在他死后继续向西航行,回到欧洲,并完成了人类首次环球航行。

求英语翻译. ①郑和是中国历史上最著名的航海家(maritime explorer)。②公元1

答<<[1]Zheng He is (用现在时"is") the most famous martime explorer in Chinese history.

[2] In 1405 A.D., so as to consolidate border defense and promote martime trading, the rulers of Ming Dynasty dispatched Zheng He as the fleet admiral to the Western (Indian) Ocean. In all seven voyages, over 100,000 sailors participated and over 30 countries and regions were visited.

[3] The fleet travelled through East Asia, West Asia, and went as far as to the African Continent.

[4] Zheng He's global navigation to the Western (Indian) Ocean is a great achievement in history. The voyages reflected the excellent navigational and organisational skills of Zheng He. They also displayed the national strength and prestige of Ming Dynasty, thereby strengthening its bilateral relationships with other countries. >>

(原文)"Zheng He (1371–1433 or 1435), originally named Ma He, was a Hui court eunuch, mariner,explorer, diplomat, and fleet admiral during China's early Ming dynasty. Zheng commanded expeditionary voyages to Southeast Asia, South Asia, Western Asia, and East Africa from 1405 to 1433.

As a favorite of the Yongle Emperor, whose usurpation he assisted, he rose to the top of the imperial hierarchy and served as commander of the southern capital Nanjing (the capital was later moved to Beijing by the Yongle Emperor). These voyages were long neglected in official Chinese histories but have become well known in China and abroad since the publication ofLiang Qichao's Biography of Our Homeland's Great Navigator, Zheng He in 1904. A trilingual stele left by the navigator was discovered on the island of Sri Lanka shortly thereafter."


答航海家英文翻译为:navigator; seafarer。



Danish navigator and explorer who in1728 sailed through the Bering Strait, proving(though he did not realize it at the time) that Asia and North America are separate continents.

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