



Take risk冒险

Average happiness 平均幸福指数

Publicly trade firm 上市公司

Sure enough 果真如此;果然

Be correlated with 与…有关

Account for 做出解释;做出说明

Control for 考虑某种因素;控制

In conclusion 总之、最后

Take a long-term view 带着长远的视角

Forward-thinking 前瞻的;有远见的

Assign to 分配;指派

Attribute to 把…归因于

Transfer to 转移、迁移

Compare to 与…相比

Arrive at 到达某地;达成协议

Jump at (匆忙)做出结论、迫不及待地接受(机会)

Strike at 打击到;伤害、危害

Hint at 暗示;示意

Lean towards 偏向于;倾向于

Give away 分发;泄露;失去;错失

Pray for 祈求;企盼

Send out 发出某物;派遣某人

Give away 分发;颁发;失去;泄露


Introductory course 入门课

Assistant dean 副院长

Bite-sized chunks 小块的

Fill the jobs gap 填补职位空缺

Test hypothesis 验证假设

Formulate logical hypotheses 构想逻辑假设

Drive …away 赶走,使离去

Be based on 根据

look for寻求

career change 转行

high-schoolers 高中生

for instance例如

career prospect 职业前景

academic background 学术背景

organize the result 整理结果

drop out of 退学;辍学

program languages 程序语言

job market就业市场

North Carolina北卡罗莱纳州

The rest of life 往后余生

Digitalized world 数字化的世界


Unintentional harm-doers 非故意的伤害者

As many as 与…一样多

Lend sth to sth给…增加,增添某种色彩

Stretching grasslands 绵延草地

Regulatory power监管权力

Crack down on 严厉打击;镇压;制裁

Try out 实验

Call for 要求,呼吁

Federal officials 联邦官员

In particular 特别的是

Give-in 屈服

Grant power 赋予权力

Set aside 留出,省出

In the driver’s seat 处于控制地位;主导地位

Set a goal 指定目标

Replace A with B 以A替代B

As long as 只要

Range-wide 大范围的

A sum 一笔钱

Set up 建立

Raise fund 筹集资金

Win-win rhetoric双赢说辞

Go too far 走得太远;做的太过分

Congress member国会议员

federal court 联邦法庭

potentially less confrontational conservation 潜在对抗性较低的方法


Free up 腾出时间

Time-management techniques 时间管理技巧

Or else否则,要不然

Deep reading 深度阅读

Immersive reading 沉浸式阅读

By contrast 对比之下

Slot in 安置,安排

To-do list 任务清单

Mind-set 思维倾向

Conveyor belt 传送带

Get by 经过;过得去;获得认可

Goal-focused 目标集中式的

Passing time 流逝的时间

Carry through 贯彻;完成;坚持下去;进行

Physical books 实体书

Single-purpose e-readers 单一功能的电子阅读器

Dip in 沉浸在

The default state 默认状态

Drop back down 重新回到;重新开始

Take care of 关心,关照

No longer不再

Make time 腾出时间

Develop habit 培养习惯

Daily business 日常事务

Primary business 首要事务

Read extensively 广泛阅读


Cross-generation 跨世代

Across generational lines 跨越代际线

Against a backdrop of 在…的背景下

Population structure 人口结构

Draw a road map to success 绘制一幅成功路线图

Finish line终点线

A fulfilling life 成功的人生

Try out 尝试

Personal fulfillment 个人满足感

life pace生活节奏

Financially secure 经济保障

Pre-marital finance 婚前财务状况

Attach importance to 重视

Give priority to 优先考虑

Spread through 蔓延到

Consumer preference 消费者偏好

Political preference 政治偏好

Housing pattern 居住模式

Materialistic issues 物质问题

Key point 关键点

Overwhelming majority压倒性多数

Housing loan 住房贷款

Life achievement 人生成就

Auto technician 汽车技师

Upper middle-class home 上层中产阶级家庭

Be capable of可以做到

A must 必需品

Have little to do with 与…无关

Get established 在社会上立足;安定下来


Act your shoe size,not your age 别那么成熟

Have fun 玩的开心

Ask for help 寻求帮助

Have/get sth down to an art 把某事做的很精巧

For the most part 多半,很大程度上

Appear to 似乎,好像

Take sth too far 将某事做的太过

End up doing 最终处于

Brush/sweep sth under the carpet 掩盖某事,尤指错事

Move on 继续向前

Control emotions 控制情绪

Express emotions 表达情绪

Suppress emotions 抑制情绪

Couldn’t stop doing sth 情不自禁做某事

Silver bullet 银色子弹/神奇良方

Fight off 抵挡,击退,竭力摆脱

Indulge in 沉湎于,喜爱

Blood flow 血流量

Stress hormones 压力荷尔蒙

An awful lot of 多的可怕的;许多

Figure out想出

Have the luxury of 难得享受某种机会

Side effect 副作用

Mortgage payment按揭贷款

It doesn’t matter 没关系

So long as 只要

On a tight budget 预算紧张

Chuang Tzu庄子

Strive for 争取;奋斗

once more再一次

In that 因为;由于;既然


Lure sb into doing sth 引诱某人做某事

A state of 一种…的状态

Struggle to do sth 努力去做某事



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